Year in Review: 2009

2009 started in a quiet, cold house on a frozen lake in Maine. From there, I took my carry-on…

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to a colorful and unpredictable Philadelphia...

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on a wintertime visit to Canada’s incredible Niagara Falls (the mist froze everything in sight!)...


on a springtime stroll through Central Park in New York City...

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to see the Falls again in the summer and from a different perspective (the American side)...


on Amtrak's Downeaster to visit friends in Maine...

through a storm on a surprise getaway to Cape Cod...


and many, many trips around Boston, Rochester & upstate New York. It's the collection of these moments that made last year so great. I think the best resolution I could make for this year is to explore just as much or more. What are your resolutions for 2010?