How Bloggers Do Summer Vacation in 2010
/It seems like everyone is on summer vacation, and I am working like mad these last 3 weeks of July! Luckily, last weekend I took a trip up to Kennebunkport, Maine. I'll have more to share about that soon, but in the meantime, here is a snapshot of some other summer getaways from some of my favorite bloggers...
Joanna of A Cup of Jo enjoys a family getaway in the Hudson Valley
Naomi of Rockstar Diaries is off shooting storybook castles and delicious pastries in France

Ashley and Aron of Hither and Thither soak up the sun, New England style, on Cape Cod
Marcie of Lemons & Laundry visits the natural paradise that is Hawaii
Vicky of Bikinis and Passports does a whirlwind tour of the U.S.A.
Gabby of Gypsy*Diaries relaxes (and even milks a cow) in the Italian Alps.
Where are you traveling this summer?